Healthcare Impact Stories

Healthcare Impact Stories

Hadassah Experts Advise Vienna Nursing Home on Vaccination Protocols

Weekly Story: Hadassah Experts Advise Vienna Nursing Home on Vaccination Protocols On January 11, 2021, Hadassah Medical Center, along with Hadassah International, offered a webinar on optimum vaccination protocols for nursing home residents to the director and medical director of Maimonides Zentrum home for the aged, located in Vienna, Austria

Behind the Scenes of Israel’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Weekly Story: Behind the Scenes of Israel’s COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign While the success of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign depends on countless professionals and dedicated frontline staff, Israelis were delighted to hear of one woman who played a pivotal role behind the scenes- Benita Elkon Baitner. 

Hadassah Medical Centre reported success in the first phase of the Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine trial

Weekly Story: Hadassah Medical Centre reported success in the first phase of the Israeli COVID-19 Vaccine trial The first clinical phase of testing the Israeli Biological Institute’s corona vaccine was completed at Hadassah Ein Kerem when the final dose was given to the 40th trial participant. Read more to learn about the first phase, and learn about one of the trial participants.

Professor Sigal Sviri, Head of Hadassah Hospital’s COVID-19 Outbreak ICU Makes the Cover of Forbes Magazine’s Best Doctors in Israel 2020!

Weekly Story: Professor Sigal Sviri, Head of Hadassah Hospital’s COVID-19 Outbreak ICU Makes the Cover of Forbes Magazine’s Best Doctors in Israel 2020! Each year, Forbes Israel compiles its Best Doctors in Israel list, selected based on exceptional medical achievements. This year, it was clear that the honour belongs to doctors at the forefront of the battle against COVID-19. 

Angels in White

Weekly Story: Angels in White “Angles in White” were the words Israel’s Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein, used to describe the dedicated medical team he met at Shamir Medical Centre (Assah Harofeh’s) Coronavirus Unit. As Israel deals with a 2nd wave of COVID-19, officials reached out to the hospital for insights and access to the critical work being done on the frontlines.

Record Breaking Love

Weekly Story: Record Breaking Love It’s been a record-breaking year for births at Hadassah Hospital, with more than 14,000 babies born- including 263 pairs of twins and 7 sets of triplets! Yet, this week, another record was broken when a mother gave birth to her 16thchild.  (The previous highest number of births per person was 15.) 

Hadassah Hospital Helps Parents and Children Cope With the Fallout From COVID-19

Weekly Story: Hadassah Hospital Helps Parents and Children Cope With the Fallout From COVID-19 Dr. Fortunato Ben-Arroch, senior physician at the Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus and staff have been busy working with families to cope with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus Pandemic & The Debbie Eisenberg and Gary Levene Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Weekly Story: Coronavirus Pandemic & The Debbie Eisenberg and Gary Levene Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Dr. Jessica Ross shares her journey from New York to Tel Aviv, and why she feels lucky and safer in Israel at the frontline of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Art of Healing

Weekly Story: The Art of Healing More than ever, people seek information to help them understand best practices on keeping healthy and ensuring the safety of their loved ones. Read more to find out how creating cartoons has helped one doctor create awareness at Hadassah Medical Organization.

Shamir Medical Centre (Assaf Harofeh) – CHW PICU goes viral!

Weekly Story: CHW PICU goes viral! "Witnessing the care and affection my child was shown by the staff [of the hospital] in this difficult time has added joy and optimism to our otherwise perilous situation.” - Read the full story here to find out how a life saved offered more than a parent could bargain for!

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