guiding chw into the future
CHW Strategic Plan 2022-2027

1. Empowering Women
Regardless of race, religion, or political views
2. Connecting Israel to Canada
To grow and deepen engagement
3. Increasing Impact
for the at-risk women and children we support
4. Grow Volunteer Base
to engage a new generation of diverse volunteers
5. Raising Awareness & Promoting CHW Brand
to show how we are changing lives, providing hope, and building futures
regardless of race, religion, or political views
- National collaboration between professionals, volunteers, centres, and donors
- Increase focus on multi-generational connections
- Help grow the leaders of tomorrow
- Develop more strategic partnerships to change paradigms, raise awareness, and empower victims of domestic violence
- Fund programs that increase economic independence and employability of women
- Provide sustainable funding through a lens of women-led social enterprises
- Support women entrepreneurs to build sustainable businesses
- Create an annual prize awarded for innovative ideas that empower women, break the cycle of violence, and promote gender equality
to grow and deepen engagement
- Have strong professional leadership in Israel to identify opportunities for impact
- Fill existing gaps and ensure best practices through project partners in both countries
- Focus on strengthening partner relationships both in Canada and Israel
- Implement strategies to engage Canadians living abroad, including those living in Israel
- Provide a fun vehicle to engage and educate new and existing supporters
- Enhance relationships with diplomats in Canada and Israel
for the at-risk women and children we support
- Implement opportunities for diversity in philanthropy through social impact investing and venture philanthropy
- Remove any obstacles to traditional giving methods
- Develop new strategic relationships, adding diverse partners in Israel and Canada
- Build a strong professional leadership team and engage volunteers nationwide who possess commitment and passion to ensure impact is a priority
- Share success stories about anyone who has benefited from CHW’s support
- Demonstrate the impact our organization has had on women and children
- Increase in positive results, people we support, total donations annually
to engage a new generation of diverse volunteers
- Foster inclusivity as a non-religious, non-political, and non-partisan organization
- Strategically strengthen existing relationships with CYJ and local community groups
Provide multiple opportunities to engage through local and national campaigns, events, and fundraisers - Develop a link between similar organizations in Israel and Canada
- Create outreach programs especially for the LGBTQ+ community at youth level
- Create multi-generational programming to grow the volunteer base
- Develop corporate engagement opportunities in Canada to support local partners
- Use Journey 4 Impact to get more people to Israel to see CHW’s impact firsthand
- Demonstrate the benefits of volunteering as our partner to create social change
to show how we are changing lives, providing hope, and building futures
- Build on the strength and rich history of successfully changing so many lives
- Promote the generations of women volunteers and our strong base of loyal donors
- Raise greater awareness and distinguish CHW in Israel as a unique entity
- Articulate who we are and draw awareness from untapped audiences
- Showcase inspiring achievements and demonstrate how we create impact
- Raise our profile in the Canadian and Israel communities
- Enhance our digital marketing strategy
- Continue to provide public education through our campaigns
- Engage celebrities and social media influencers in a strategic way
- Develop national community events to increase brand awareness
CHW is excited to invite you to join us and together we will push up our sleeves and participate in this important work over the next five years. We have already started, come join us!