ORAH Magazine

ORAH Magazine

A magazine for CHW supporters & friends

About ORAH

The ORAH magazine, first published by CHW (Canadian Hadassah-WIZO) in 1960, focuses on CHW’s impact on education, healthcare, and social services in Israel and Canada. It also features inspiring stories about influential leadership, generous giving, innovative philanthropy, and CHW’s impact on the at-risk women and children we support

BECOME A CHW SUPPORTER TODAY and receive the ORAH twice yearly.



We are pleased to provide the digital edition of our Winter 2025 issue for your viewing pleasure below. This issue features inspiring stories about influential leadership, generous giving, innovative philanthropy, and CHW’s impact on the at-risk women and children we support. This issue also includes heartfelt stories and updates from our projects, YOUR IMPACT, project visits, featured donors, fiscal highlights, events, and more!

Click below to see the entire magazine:

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