How CHW is Supporting Ukraine

CHW continues to support the critical work of our partners in Israel, WIZO and Hadassah Medical Organization, who are working around the clock to assist and protect children, youth, and families affected by the crisis in Ukraine.

CHW’s 2022 Annual Campaign will fulfill critical needs at Hadassah Hospital, allowing the hospital to continue emergency support of Ukrainian refugees. Increasing your support this year will make a bigger impact.


  • CHW Hadassim and Nahalal Youth Villages have a long history of being a safe-haven for youth from conflict areas.
  • Both villages are currently home to Na’aleh youth from Ukraine and Russia, who are receiving extra support and counselling during these troubling times. There is no tension between the students themselves, instead they are showing support for one another. (Two students from Ukraine are pictured above)
  • The main concern for everyone is the safety of their immediate family back home. Social workers are working around the clock to ensure that every student has the opportunity to connect regularly with their parents. 
  • Both villages are preparing for an influx of refugees from Ukraine, including the siblings of Na’aleh students already in Israel.
  • CHW’s continued support ensures that 100% of all youth receive expansive emotional support and specialized therapeutic programs at the villages.


  • This past week, Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) sent off urgently needed medical supplies for those injured in the Ukrainian crisis. HMO quickly mobilized and packed a truck full of life-saving medical supplies, which were transferred to the Ukrainian embassy in Tel Aviv (pictured above). These supplies were later airlifted to the Ukrainian-Poland border.
  • Hadassah International is continuing to assess the medical needs on the ground in close coordination with local medical and health organizations in the region.

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