Wounded warriors find ways to heal at Hadassah’s new rehab center

“It’s been very meaningful that we are about the same age and in the same situation, all working together to get back from this hard time,” says a 29-year-old recovering Israeli soldier and yeshivah student. It’s late afternoon and among the members of this very special minyan are two in bandages, another in a cast, one with […]

Hadassah opens new rehab center 4 months early as war stresses existing facilities

Hadassah’s new $137 million, multi-story rehabilitation center was scheduled to open in May on the medical organization’s Mount Scopus campus, the result of years of planning, fundraising and construction. But on the night of Oct. 7, seeing the devastation from the Hamas attacks and fearing an even greater conflict, Hadassah Medical Organization’s director-general, Dr. Yoram […]

Hadassah Hospital Update: New Gandel Rehab Center Welcomes First Patients

The sounds of Hadassah representatives clapping and singing “Shalom Aleichem” welcomed the first patients into the Gandel Rehabilitation Center at Hadassah Hospital Mount Scopus on January 15, part of a phased opening of the new facility. These initial 12 patients in the War-Wounded Department will have the opportunity to heal using state-of-the-art equipment, including 1st […]

War caught Israeli rehab hospitals unprepared to handle number of wounded

Health authorities in Israel are making a major push to meet the demand for expanded facilities and treatment, but the question remains whether it can all be done in time. “COVID showed us our deficiencies in internal medicine. [The war] has highlighted our deficiencies in rehabilitation and mental health treatment,” Dr. Tamar Elram, director of […]

Call to Action: World WIZO Chairperson Anita Friedman calls on WIZO federations worldwide to appeal to their governments to help Israel bring our hostages home.

World WIZO are calling on their international federations and affiliates to contact local government leaders and anyone of influence in your community and country to call for the immediate release of hostages. “We strongly implore all people of good conscience to take immediate action and do everything in your power to put an end to […]

Hadassah Hospital URGENT NEEDS

Hadassah Hospital is providing medical care for the large number of incoming patients in the emergency rooms and operation rooms. It is vital for them to increase their inventory of medical equipment in each unit because transportation from one area to another is limited due to the potential exposure to rocket and missile attacks. The […]

Israeli Surgeons Save Newborn Baby from Rare Ovarian Torsion

Ovarian torsion is the most common complication of an untreated ovarian cyst. It is an emergency that must be treated as quickly as possible. Surgeons at Hadassah-University Medical Center in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem have treated an extremely rare case of ovarian torsion on both sides in a baby girl right after her birth. When Tamar Levy came […]

Doctors Reattach Boy’s Head After Car Accident Thanks to ‘Amazing’ Surgery

Doctors at Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center performed the miraculous surgery. Surgeons in Israel performed a miracle surgery and managed to reattach a boy’s head after he was hit by a car while riding his bike, a Jerusalem hospital announced this week. Suleiman Hassan, a 12-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, suffered what is known as […]

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