WIZO- Ending the Cycle of Violence

Children see and learn from their parent’s behaviours and actions. When a child is exposed to living in an abusive home, even if the abuse is not directed at them but rather the woman, their mother, it leaves its mark on the entire family. 

WIZO, with the support of CHW and other WIZO Federations, is dedicated to helping women living with domestic violence and preventing violence in the home. Through operating two shelters for battered women, and their children, WIZO provides these women with the tools to be independent and live violence-free lives. 


As it is evident, ending the cycle of violence is of grave importance. This year, WIZO campaigned not only to raise awareness to the issue of domestic violence against women, but also to highlight the immensely negative impact this has on the children who are witness to the violence. As WIZO states, “Children are the next generation in the cycle of violence.”

CHW is standing together with WIZO to make a difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of women and children daily throughout Israel.

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