Life-Saving Breakthrough For Heart Disease at Hadassah Medical Center

The first case, on an elderly man at high risk of death, was performed in May without official Health Ministry approval on compassionate grounds. There have been two more cases since then. Instead of performing open-heart surgery, with all its risks, to repair a defective aortal arch that has an aneurysm – a bulge in […]

Israeli Researchers Use Artificial Intelligence to Identify Cancer Genes

News Story

Israeli researchers use artificial intelligence to identify cancer genes “The model we created has a high accuracy of 96.5 percent,” says Dr. Shai Rosenberg. For the first time in the world, researchers at Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem developed an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to identify mutations that cause cancer. The discovery is a breakthrough for […]

Ukrainian Child Receives Vital Care from Israeli Doctors

Physicians from Hadassah Medical Center at the Przemysl refugee camp on the Ukraine-Poland border performed surgery on a young Ukrainian girl earlier this week. 10-year-old Alexandra came to the clinic suffering from severe pain in her foot due to an ingrown toenail left untreated for two months. She was unable to walk, and had been in extreme constant pain […]

P-Cure to support Hadassah Medical Organization in being the first to provide Proton Therapy to cancer patients in Israel

P-Cure Ltd. (“P-Cure”), the provider of the most compact 360° gantry-less adaptive proton therapy system that can be installed in a linac vault, announced today a collaboration with Hadassah Medical Organization (“Hadassah”) in Jerusalem. The collaboration will provide cancer patients in Israel with access to proton therapy, the most targeted type of radiation therapy. The […]

Prof. Yoram Weiss Named Hadassah Medical Organization Director General

Hadassah – The Women’s Zionist Organization of America (HWZOA), and the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) have announced the appointment of Prof. Yoram Weiss, MD, as HMO’s director-general. Prof. Weiss, who has served as acting director-general since July 2021, succeeds Prof. Zeev Rotstein. Prof. Weiss, 63, an expert in intensive care medicine and anesthesiology, has worked at Hadassah for 31 years. […]

With But Minutes to Spare, Hadassah’s ER Saves Baby in Septic Shock

A two-year-old arrived at the Swartz Center for Emergency Medicine at Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem, driven there by his local doctor because she realized that the toddler’s medical condition was urgent. The toddler was lethargic and had a purple rash characteristic of a dangerous strain of bacteria. Dr. Naama Schwartz, an emergency medicine specialist at Hadassah, relates, “Our initial diagnosis of meningococcemia proved correct. The […]

First Real-World Data Show Stem Cell Treatment Helps Resolve Perianal Fistulas

Nearly two-thirds of patients with Crohn’s perianal fistulas treated with the novel stem cell–based drug darvadstrocel achieved clinical remission and had significantly improved quality of life, according to new six-month data presented at the 2022 meeting of the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation. Of the patients who received darvadstrocel (Takeda), which is not yet approved […]

Hadassah Doctor Provides Good News to Pregnant Ukrainian Refugee

When an anxious young pregnant woman fleeing the violence in Ukraine arrived at the medical clinic in the refugee center on the Polish border, worried that perhaps her pregnancy was no longer viable, Dr. Yaakov Bentov from the Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO) ’s Medical Humanitarian Mission was on hand to provide concrete reassurance that her […]

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