S.O.S - Starting Over Safely Campaign - Empowering Victims of Violence and Trauma in Israel and Canada.

Domestic, sexual, gender based, and intimate partner violence (IPV) are societal issues of epidemic proportion in Israel and Canada. Our S.O.S campaign addresses these issues, as well as the critical issues around trauma recovery and PTSD treatment for women and children in Israel. CHW’s support is filling the gaps to empower those most at risk. Learn more below about the six essential programs we are supporting with our 2024 summer campaign.

Thanks to your generosity, we exceeded our 2024 goal of $650,000 and raised over $824,110!

CLICK HERE to visit the S.O.S crowdfunding page.

2024 Total Amount Raised


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S.O.S priority Franny's Fund
S.O.S priority MSF
S.O.S priority HaGal Sheli
S.O.S priority Shamir Medical Center
S.O.S priority WIZO
S.O.S priority Her Academy


SC Pie Chart


1. Franny's Fund - CANADA

Due to the difficulties of navigating the legal system and managing both the financial and emotional strain of being a victim of domestic abuse, Franny’s Fund was created to provide help for parents and families in need of an urgent response, who are unable to access critical services. CHW’s goal is to make Franny’s Fund accessible through centres in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, and Calgary. In partnership with Franny’s Fund, administered through the Canadian justice system, at-risk women and children across the country will have access to the necessary support for legal counsel or therapeutic counselling services.

Learn more about how CHW’s S.O.S campaign supports Franny’s Fund in the below video or by clicking on the button:

2. HaGal Sheli - ISRAEL

For over a decade, HaGal Sheli has empowered and educated youth nationwide to conquer life’s challenges by harnessing the transformative power of surfing, fostering personal growth, resilience, and success.

In the aftermath of the attacks on October 7, HaGal Sheli launched an emergency trauma intervention program to prevent the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among affected individuals.

Since the onset of the war, HaGal Sheli has provided critical care to over 1,000 evacuees from the most affected communities in both the north and south, released hostages, Nova Festival survivors, active combat soldiers, and veterans.

Learn more about how CHW’s S.O.S campaign supports HaGal Sheli in the video below.

3. Shamir Medical Center, ISRAEL

Shamir Medical Center, home to the largest and most sophisticated hyperbaric treatment center worldwide, is a global leader in the research and treatment of PTSD. Their groundbreaking method combines hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) with the expertise of a multidisciplinary team dedicated to treating severe PTSD.

This innovative treatment protocol was developed for severe, treatment-resistant PTSD to significantly improve symptoms, enhance performance, and facilitate a swift return to normal life.

Due to the current crisis in Israel, there is an urgent need to leverage this clinical expertise and utilize the unique and effective tool for civilians contending with severe trauma. Supporting the expansion of the PTSD unit will enable Shamir to provide comprehensive, professional, ongoing treatment tailored to the unique needs of each patient.

Supporting therapy will help heal individuals, children, and adults who have endured unimaginable pain. Your support can help them regain hope and rebuild their lives.

Learn more in the below video or by clicking on the button:

4. WIZO Programs - ISRAEL

Safety Net Program: Women leaving a WIZO shelter with their children require a helping hand to safely rejoin the community. They face extreme emotional, legal, and social challenges. Safety Net has nearly a 100% success rate to break the cycle of violence and prevent victims from re-entering an abusive relationship. The program assists with social and personal support, helping to provide and care for the victims’ greatest needs. There are nine Safety Net programs supporting communities across Israel.


Children are cared for while their mothers receive hands-on tools to rebuild their lives.


Families attend structured weekly support meetings tailored for women alongside fun activities for children.


Dedicated and committed volunteers, trained and supported by WIZO staff in Israel and CHW.

Essentials Kits: Kits are provided for women leaving a WIZO shelter. The Kit provides basic necessities like small appliances, clothing, school supplies, linens, kitchen utensils and other household items needed to maintain a decent home. The Kits are tailored to the specific needs of each family, to help them start fresh in a new home.

Respite Camp Program: To support the continued economic independence of at-risk women, CHW is funding summer and holiday day camps to provide children with fun, safe supervision so that women can continue working while their children are cared for. As well, CHW provides a 10-day overnight summer camp experience for at-risk youth from WIZO youth villages.

Learn more in the below video or by clicking on the button:

5. Michal Sela Forum (MSF) - ISRAEL

Michal Sela Canines: An innovative program, which provides women under high-risk threat of intimate partner violence with life-saving protection dogs. The dog is given to the woman for life, and he lives with her as a family member 24/7. The dog is a life-saving gift that gives the woman quality of life, and physical and emotional security. This is an innovative project and the first of its kind in Israel. This is a highly impactful program that saves lives and costs a fraction of what it would cost to keep a woman at a domestic abuse shelter for several months.

The fund will provide:

  • Acquiring a protection dog for the woman under threat and her children. Each dog is carefully selected to be compatible with the woman and her individual needs and with the stringent requirements.
  • Intensive professional training for three months, tailored to each woman individually.
  • Dog supplies (crate, harness, collar, ball, and muzzle).
  • Dog pension fund.
  • Accompanying research for evaluation and measurement.

Michal’s Watch:
Provides free “armor” for women under threat of IPV. Essentially turning her home into her shelter, the package includes 24/7 security services, self-defence lessons, and a cease-and-desist letter from a law firm to the threatening party.

Watch an impactful interview below or click on the button to learn more about MSF.

MSF has also developed the below warning signs, to help women recognize abuse.

6. Her Academy - ISRAEL

Her Academy is a revolutionary non-profit organization, working holistically to support highly vulnerable women escaping prostitution and violence in Israel through the provision of vocational training, job placement services, and more. Their success rate is remarkable: 85% of students graduate and over 70% of those eligible for work find stable employment.

Her Academy starts by addressing the endemic challenges, including lack of formal education, social stigmas, debt bondage, trauma, low self-esteem, and isolation. They empower their students to find and use their own voice. They restore independence and control by providing access to education, skill-building, and a judgment-free learning environment.

They provide a structured support system during the transition out of sex work and into the Israeli workforce. Their services work together in and with the existing system to enhance overall support.

In 2024, with CHW’s support, Her Academy hopes to support 200 students in Tel Aviv and 40 students at a branch opening soon in Haifa.

Learn more in the below video:

With special thanks to our generous SUPER HEROES and Matching Heroes

Campaign Impact

If we exceed our goals for a project commitment, due to donor generosity, we reserve the right to reallocate the additional funds raised to other funding commitments in Israel or Canada.

If you need help, call the 24-hour crisis line TOLL-FREE 1-866-863-0511 or visit www.awhl.org to access an online chat.

CHW empowers women and children by supporting education, healthcare, and social services across Israel and Canada.

We strongly believe that every human being deserves to achieve their full potential, while living in safety and security. For more than 100 years, our support of excellence in education, innovation in research, advancement in healthcare, safeguarding of social services, and investment in our beneficiaries, will create global impact, improve lives, and provide hope.

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