Investing in AT-RISK Women | January 2024


Tech19 is one of CHW’s first two women focused social impact investment opportunities from the initiative launch in October 2022. Tech19 provides technical and innovative solutions to fintech, healthcare, and software companies, including prototyping, software, and hardware development. The women employed receive skills training and on-the-job support. They also become role models in their community, acting as an inspiration to the younger generation, while ensuring economic stability for their family.

Since receiving your investment, they have doubled the number of employees, expanded business to additional fields, increased their customer base, and moved into their own office.

Tech19 was not selected as a business whose aim is the safety of women, but in providing women with training, employment, and financial stability, that is precisely what they are doing. Tech19 Co-founder and CEO, Inbar Cohen, recently discovered the breadth of Tech 19’s impact after asking employees to write what Tech 19 means to them.

The featured photo is what Inbar Cohen asked us to share with you.

Tech 19 letter of thanks 2024
Tech 19 letter of thanks 2024

Here is the letter from TECH19 Employee

Hi Inbar,

I wanted to share with you how my work at Tech19 has impacted my personal life.

I joined Tech19 a year-and-a-half ago; previously I worked in varied temporary positions, mainly covering ‘Mothers on Leave of Absence.’

I am married and a mother to two young children. My husband works hard, though his salary is relatively low. Unfortunately, our economic situation impacted my husband’s behavior; he became anxious and took full control of our money, expenses, and car. Since my financial contribution was lower, I didn’t even argue with him or challenge the situation.

The birth of our second child brought additional financial challenges and my husband’s behavior got worse. After consulting with social services, I decided to find better work. One of my friends told me about a company called Tech19. I met with Inbar, the CEO, even though the company is a tech company, and I didn’t have ANY relevant background, Inbar believed in me and in my skills. I joined the local quality assurance training; the training wasn’t easy for me, and I wanted to drop out, but Inbar didn’t give me the option to do so. After completing the training, I was assigned to a project. Inbar and a professional mentor supported me every step of the way for more than six months.

Today, after a year-and-a-half, I can proudly say that I lead a quality assurance project. My confidence has increased dramatically, and I had the courage to confront my husband and balance his behavior, even my kids respect me now.

I became the main financial contributor and started to learn and develop myself in my work and personal life.

From my perspective, Tech19 changed and even saved my life and my children!

Now, with the challenges of the war, I hope Tech19 will weather financially as it’s my second home and my personal security card.


Shlomit (pseudo name)

Learn More about Tech19 and the Women behind it

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