Hadassah Saving Lives

Israel is struggling to cope with and overcome the country’s current situation: relentless terror attacks against Israeli civilians. However, in the face of ongoing attacks, Hadassah Hospital is there every step of the way by providing the emergency care that is so desperately needed.

It was only a few weeks ago that while a thirteen year old Israeli boy was riding his bicycle, he was chased and stabbed by two terrorists. The young boy was rushed to Hadassah Hospital in life-threatening condition. Doctors declared him clinically dead upon arrival, however, they did not give up on him, sending him into emergency surgery to try and save his life.

Chief of General Surgery, Professor Ahmed Eid, released a statement about the boy’s condition, “[He] has a long road of recovery ahead but I am happy that his condition is improving and is stable.”

This thirteen year old boy is the youngest of dozens of victims of attacks who have been rushed to Hadassah Hospital. This current situation in Israel has made Hadassah Hospital’s newest project all the more critical: the establishment of underground operating rooms that protect patients and doctors from attacks during wartime.

The lower-level operating rooms are operative 24 hours a day and provide uninterrupted care both during times of quiet, and in the face of conventional, biological, and chemical warfare.


Throughout this current wave of terror, the need for the underground operating rooms is as urgent as ever. These rooms ensure that medical procedures can continue uninterrupted, in spite of any terror taking place outside the hospital walls.

Good news came out of Hadassah Hospital this week: the young boy was released from the hospital, though he has a great deal of recovery to go. It is a result of the uninterrupted and outstanding healthcare that Hadassah Hospital provides that his life was saved!

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