CHW Hadassim Children and Youth Village Nominated for the National Education Prize

At the beginning of this school year, CHW Hadassim was pleased to learn that the supervisor of the village, Ms. Aliza Schreier, intended on presenting CHW Hadassim as a candidate for the Education Prize for this year.

Ze’ev Twito, Director of CHW Hadassim and his team felt that this was not only an excellent endeavor, but especially meaningful as this year CHW Hadassim celebrates its 70th anniversary! Ze’ev shared. ”CHW Hadassim excels organizationally, pedagogically, and educationally.”

CHW Hadassim is amongst the 120 educational institutions that are part of the Education and Rural Education Administration, which includes 70 schools and 40 youth villages.  

CHW Hadassim proudly succeeded in passing the preliminary stage of the competition which was assessed by the Ministry of Education; and moved to the next stage where the village underwent tests to qualify on a national level.

The Prize Committee of the Rural Education Administration, headed by Chairman Boaz Columbus, recently visited CHW Hadassim and met with parents, students, teachers, staff, and management. Following the visit, the Prize Committee announced that CHW Hadasssim has passed and is now contending for the National Education Prize! Ze’ev shares, “We are happy, full of pride, and especially strengthened by the Ministry of Education’s appreciation of the spirit of CHW Hadassim.”

Congratulations to CHW Hadassim and we look forward to learning about the final decision!