CHW Daycares


CHW Daycares

chw daycare

Nina Cohen Atlantic Provinces Daycare

The Nina Cohen Atlantic Provinces Daycare (Katamon, Jerusalem), opened in 1969, is one of six that CHW supports. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to 59 children, in three classrooms. The children come from a variety of backgrounds, which reflect the diverse neighbourhood of new immigrants, religious families, and young couples who populate the area. The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of 19, who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment.

Also, the Nina Cohen Atlantic Provinces Daycare sends home weekly nutritional tips to parents in an effort to promote healthy eating at home.

chw daycare

Judy Mandleman Vancouver Daycare

The Judy Mandleman Vancouver Daycare (Holon), opened in 1972, is one of six that CHW supports. The daycare is a well known institution across the city of Holon for its long standing reputation of excellent care for children. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to over 106 children, in four classrooms, one of which is a kindergarten class. Many of the children are at the daycare through a welfare referral program, as their families are in desperate need of this assistance. The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of 26, who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment.

he Judy Mandleman Vancouver Daycare also provides home support services. A team of professionals, a psychologist, an occupational therapist, and speech therapist, works individually with children (and their families) who have learning disabilities and/or behavioral issues. The team assists with cognitive, motor, emotional, and psychological issues establishing a treatment plan, providing the necessary preparation for the child’s future.

chw daycare

Sandy Martin Alberta Daycare

The Sandy Martin Alberta Daycare (Ramat Hasharon), opened in 1973, is one of six that CHW supports. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to over 80 children, in three classrooms. The children come from a variety of backgrounds. However, some of the children are at the daycare through a welfare referral program, as their families are in desperate need of this assistance. The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of 18, who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment.

The Sandy Martin Alberta Daycare also provides home support services. A team of professionals, a psychologist, an occupational therapist, and speech therapist, work individually with children (and their families) who have learning disabilities and/or behavioral issues. The team assists with cognitive, motor, emotional, and psychological issues establishing a treatment plan, providing the necessary preparation for the child’s future.

chw daycare

Rose Dunkelman Toronto Daycare

The Rose Dunkelman (Toronto) Daycare (Neve Sharet), opened in 1974, is one of six that CHW supports. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to over 75 children, in three classrooms. The children come from a variety of backgrounds, and some are at the daycare through a welfare referral program, as their families are in desperate need of assistance.

The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of 19, who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment.

The children enjoy cooking classes where they learn to cook and bake simple dishes from a pastry chef who comes to the daycare once a week. The classes are taught in English in order to promote language development, while the children participate in hands-on activities enriching their education.

chw daycare

Terry Schwarzfeld Ottawa Daycare

The Terry Schwarzfeld Ottawa Daycare (Acco), opened in 1964, is one of six that CHW supports. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to over 57 children, in three classrooms. The children come from a variety of backgrounds. However, some of the children are at the daycare through a welfare referral program, as their families are in desperate need of this assistance.

The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of 12, who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment. At the daycare, children participate in afternoon art classes.

The Terry Schwarzfeld Ottawa Daycare also provides home support services. A team of professionals, a psychologist, an occupational therapist, and speech therapist, work individually with children (and their families) who have learning disabilities and/or behavioral issues. The team assists with cognitive, motor, emotional, and psychological issues establishing a treatment plan, providing the necessary preparation for the child’s future.

chw daycare

Clara Balinsky, Montreal Daycare

The Clara Balinsky (Montreal) Daycare, opened in 1980, is one of six that CHW supports. Currently, the daycare provides daily care to over 77 children, in three classrooms. The children come from a variety of backgrounds.

The daycare offers a dedicated and well-trained staff of twenty who provide guidance and care to the children in a nurturing and enriching environment. The daycare is situated within THE SHAMIR MEDICAL CENTRE (ASSAF HAROFEH), where most of the children’s parents are employed. The daycare remains open longer hours to accommodate for the long work day of many of the parents at the hospital.

The Clara Balinsky (Montreal) Daycare also offers a nutrition program, which teaches both parents and their children about healthy eating. Further, every Friday, parents can attend weekly lectures on parenting and tips for the home. These sessions provide an opportunity for the parents to ask questions, as well as meet with the other parents.

Are you interested in visiting or volunteering at one of CHW’s many projects?
Please let us know at least one month in advance for a project visit, and three months in advance for a volunteer opportunity. Download and fill out one of the dynamic forms below and send it to [email protected]. We will confirm all of the details, and get back to you!

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