Caring for Elka


For 100 years, CHW has cared for children, and while circumstances may change over the years, CHW’s dedication to their needs has remained unwavering. Through our support of six daycares throughout Israel, children are nurtured and protected in a loving and enriching home environment.

Elka is one little girl whose life was changed through our daycares. Sadly, while Elka’s mother was pregnant, her father was killed during active service in the IDF while fighting in Gaza. Elka’s mother was devastated and when she was born, her mother immediately rejected her.

For the first few months of Elka’s life, her mother refused to pick her up leaving her to cry herself to sleep. Finally, Elka was taken in by her aunt and uncle to be raised; though they already had six children of their own.

When Elka was five months old her aunt needed to return to work as she could only take a short time off when first taking in her niece. Elka’s aunt decided to enroll her into a WIZO operated daycare; a place she had sent all six of her children and was confident in.

Elka immediately took to her new environment; smiling and laughing as she learned to crawl and even took her first steps in the daycare! Elka has grown into a well-adjusted little girl who is happy and loves to draw!

CHW was there to provide excellent care and a sense of hope for Elka and her family in their time of need. In a CHW daycare, children receive an enriching education, specialized programs to promote the development of their physical and motor skills, and well-balanced nutritious meals daily.

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