The United State of Women

This story is not only inspirational, but accurate – The United State of Women!

This is a campaign that CHW can get behind; the promotion of women and girls’ rights. The United State of Women Summit will be convened at the White House, and marks an important move forward in the advancement of gender equality issues and the empowerment of women.

This video will get you talking and inspired to get on board, if you aren’t already.

The topics being addressed in this video at the Summit are in sync with the efforts that CHW has undertaken, and continue to undertake over the last 100 years. Our goal has been to make an impact on the lives of women and girls, both today and in the future.

How is CHW making an impact?

1. Through fighting violence against women.
The reality is that globally, 1 out of 3 women are subjected to violence from a partner in their lifetime. CHW supports WIZO programs to protect these women and their children; preparing them for life outside of the shelter as confident and independent women.

2. Through empowering young girls-at-risk.
In CHW Youth Villages: Hadassim and Nahalal, we empower young girls through equipping them with tools to be confident, proactive, and impactful leaders for the next generation.

3. Through providing educational opportunities for women.
CHW is a proud supporter of such programs like The Unlimited Potential Program (UPP) that encourages women to pursue a higher education through obtaining a vocational degree. Women are taught practical skills for the workplace and given the support in finding a job; this ensures their financial stability and independence.

CHW is proud of the role that it plays in promoting gender equality, the advancement of women in society, and ensuring that women know their rights.

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